Virginia and I did a little surprise vacation this last week. The Friday before Thanksgiving I arrived at work and found that my schedule would unexpectedly grant me a four day weekend. So V and I quickly plotted to use that time to make surprise visit home to see the fam's. I managed to switch to an earlier shift on Wed. and we left from the Lowe's parking lot at 3pm. We drove through the night, only stopping for gas and a short one hour break at Deadman's Pass (see blanket pic). We didn't want to arrive too early...but the pass had snow and after about 45 min the car was so cold we had to start moving again.
We arrived around 6 at the Glasmann's and asked if we were early for breakfast. After some confusion from the old parents in bed (brain matter is foggy) the confirmed excitment to see us and a few hours later we enjoyed a hearty Glasmann breakfast of bacon, sausage, cheese eggs, and coffee cake. Delicious. We then made our way over to
We got to see my sprouting nephews, Kay2 was sick but still amusing. Keegan is the cutest thing.
We did the Family dinner in Salem, then spent the next day with V's Mom and Mike and Ross, played some fun card games too. Munchkin will be the family favorite before long. Saturday we headed up to V's Dad's and enjoyed an amazing lunch in a little cafe. The food was great. We'll be back for that again! We enjoyed some card games in Astoria and then had a tasty warm dinner with the fam. Sara showed up an brought Cadence and Ethan...My how they have grown. Sunday we drove back to Utah so I could open the next morning and V could get back to teaching. 2200 miles and a lot of fun! We were so glad to get back...since we are missing Christmas this just really helped us take a break and not miss everyone so much! Thanks for the great time...feel free to visit us on short notice too:)