Wednesday, February 25, 2009
My Continuing Saga of Illness
Congratulations, you have succeeded in reading the saga. Now we wait to see if this darned cough will ever stop.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
A Great Day for a Walk
We have had a few beautiful days here this last week. Katarina and I were able to walk along the river front with Jayme's parents twice this week. Katarina enjoyed her stroller rides, most of the time. When she wasn't enjoying her stroller she was enjoying grandpa's shoulder. Jayme is still sick. Mid-week he was
starting to feel better but Friday and Saturday were not very good. He assures me that he is getting better again. We'll see how long it lasts. On Thursday, when he was feeling decent, he was able to do a two hour sub job for a librarian. It is the first job that he has had since October. Like I said, it was only two hours, but at least it was something. Katarina has fallen in love with her pink blanket. She likes the texture of it. Sometimes it even helps calm her down or put her to sleep. She is just like her mom. When I was
growing up I had a "slinky", a piece of material that I liked and it calmed me down. I think that Katarina is going to be very tactile like I am. We spent a lot of time with Jayme's parents this week. They were very gracious in feeding us to offset some of the burden of Jayme being sick. They fed us very well. We had leg of lamb, bbq salmon, and sweet pork tacos.
If they keep this up I may have to convince Jayme to get sick more often. I only had to clean the kitchen twice this week. We also got to see my dad this week.. He came down for Ross's last home game. Ross played well, his team won and it was fun to see everyone. Finally, we went to my mom's yesterday to celebrate birthdays, Jayme's and my 3 year old nephew, Ethan. We are so glad that we live so close to so much family. They are so much support and it is so fun to watch Katarina interact with them all. It is time for me to finish, Katarina is trying to help me type and it just isn't working out too well.
P.S. Here is our tag picture, the fourth picture in our fourth picture file. Our files are alphabetically organized and February is the fourth file, so this picture is less than a month old but is me blowing out the candles of my birthday cake at my mom's house. P.P.S. I tried to edit a few pictures and arrangement for Virginia, but some pictures were sideways and some got accidentally removed. Deal with it.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
I'm on Time!
Katarina went on her first walk in the stroller the other day. She is finally big enough that she can sit up and see what is going on during our walks. She loves it. She is so alert and likes knowing what is going on and seeing everything there is to see. I love watching her explore her world and introducing her to new things. Yesterday she was sitting in her walker while I was reading. After a few minutes her whole tone changed, she became much happier and talkative. I looked over and saw that she had found herself in the mirror on her walker. She would smile and see herself smile back and smile even bigger. It lasted a good two minutes. It is one of the cutest things she has done yet. She got a frog outfit from her uncle Bruce and aunt Annette before she was born. She is big enough now to ware it and I think she is really cute in it. On Valentines day we went over to Jayme's parents for breakfast. We had Belgian waffles with strawberries. It was so tasty. Jayme is still feeling pretty lousy. He has energy to do about one thing a day. He normally chooses the kitchen, which is a big help to me. I hope you all have a great week. Tomorrow is Jayme's birthday, the big 3-0. I hope he is feeling well enough to celebrate a little bit. :)